Friday, November 20, 2009
Miss Stake in the Rock
We're bowl eligible! While that's little solace to what could have been a spectacular season, it's improvement. Why is being bowl eligible so important? Sure, players think it's cool and they get some sweet gear, but mostly it's the extra practice time. The team gets a whole extra month of practice only to "get better." I've just recently come to hate the NCAA and its rules, and this is one rule I HATE. If your team does not make a bowl game, they cannot practice for the month leading up to the bowl games. This rule is absolutely asinine. Talk about he rich get richer. Imagine this: we start practice one month before the season starts then nearly 60% of the practices are only game prep. The month of practice before the bowl games is not only prep for the bowl game, but also a great way to make your team better for the next season. So, on the quest for our SEC and National titles, a little more practice at the end of this season will go a long way whether we're in the Cotton Bowl or the Chuck E' Cheese Bowl.
Now, let's talk about that plan for the Cotton Bowl.
The Hogs will face Mississippi State in the Rock in just 19 short hours. As far as I'm concerned, Misstake is over-matched and should leave disappointed tomorrow. They have a new coach and the best running back in the SEC, Anthony Dixon. If we can stop the run tomorrow, which we've proven to be able to do, their QB Tyson Lee will be as good as done. He's thrown for 4 TD's and 13 picks this season; Mallett throws for 5 TD's in one game like he's Driving Miss Daisy. ADVANTAGE: Hogs
The Hogs will have their hands full in Death Valley with a very beatable Tiger team, but we'll save that for next week.
If we get through both the Cowbell totin' Starkville faithful and the ones who smell of Corn Dogs, we'll be welcomed right back into Jerry World for the second time this season with high aspirations.
At this point in the season, I'd like to point out that betting the Razorbacks has paid off even though Cambridge Hog seems to think it's bad luck. I make a weekly bet that the Hogs will cover the spread with a co-worker, and I'm currently up $15. So, from this point forward, I can't lose money on the season. Also, in what could be the most bone-headed bet ever, one of Rowdy's co-workers bet him $40 that Misstake would win straight up. What and idiot. I'd put thousands of dollars on a bet like that.
Another 11:21 kickoff is not surprising at this point in the season, but, ESPN, seriously? Do you even think about how serious we are about tailgating in the Rock? They can't hold us down; breakfast will be served at our tailgate with a full Bloody Mary and Mimosa bar to wash it down. No worries, we'll have plenty of Boggs for those who don't believe it's ever too early for beer.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
The Great Stadium Debate
For those of you who are unfamiliar, the Great Stadium Debate (GSD) didn't really arise until the beginning of the decade. It was at that time that Frank Broyles raised the funds to construct what would become Donald W. Reynolds Razorback Stadium (DWRRS). It was transformed from a double sided 55,000 seater to what we currently see five Saturdays each fall. With the addition of the south endzone and the upper deck on the east side, DWRRS became an elegant 72,000 seat beauty complete with the largest jumbotron in the world (at the time).
It was no surprise that a power struggle ensued between the Stephens family and other Little Rock donors and the Broyles administration. Broyles wanted to have all of the games at his new home, and the Little Rock crowd wanted to continue the unique tradition of having two home stadiums for an entire state with only ONE team. After much debate, it was decided that two games each year would be played at War Memorial Stadium (including one SEC game), and the remainder would be played in Fayetteville. It was a compromise that made most happy, but as with any debate, there will always be two sides.
As it turns out, there were still some that were unhappy with the newfound compromise. These people felt that with this new Taj Mahal of a complex (which is the 7th largest in the SEC), we should play all games underneath the lights of DWRRS. They said good riddance to Little Rock, and that there was no need for the dumpy outdated War Memorial Stadium (WMS). It was argued that the tailgating at DWRRS was at least as good as the golf course at WMS, and that the atmosphere of the 72,000 strong would always overshadow what would be seen in Central Arkansas. To this day (over a decade later), they contend that there is no way anything about WMS could ever compete with the stadium on The Hill, and they will fight tooth and nail to convince you otherwise. Simply put, these people are WRONG!
I'll be the first to admit that WMS is outdated. I'll also be the first to make fun of what was formerly known as Waste Managment Field. But under no circumstance will I ever allow someone to deface a loyal home of the Razorbacks for decades on end. In order to keep from going on what could be a days long reading about the merits of War Memorial Stadium, I'll narrow this down to five issues that support Why We Should Keep Games In Little Rock.
- It's named WAR MEMORIAL STADIUM. This stadium was built as a tribute to all of the brave men and women who have fought to protect everything that we love about being Americans. The stadium is a lasting monument to veterans of two World Wars, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm, and the current wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. By abandoning games in Little Rock, you're abandoning those who have lost their lives protecting our country from those who want to take away your ability to do things like, say... watch college football. But hey, DWRRS is nicer, right??? Simply put, if you think we should move games out of Little Rock, you're un-American!
- It just so happens that We Win at WMS. I know that one of our games there every year is a cupcake, and one SEC game every other year is a lower tier SEC school, but we still win. I don't know if there is something different about playing in front of a Little Rock crowd, but the Hogs always seem to bring a little extra to the Rock, and it shows. Unfortunately, we are not so lucky when we show up in DWRRS. We have lost more SEC games than I can care to remember, and many of them were absolute BEATINGS. Maybe if we had played UGA in Little Rock this year we would've pulled it out. But hey, who cares about winning??? As long as you've got your upper deck you're happy, right???
- Location, location, location. Unfortunately, as much as I love Fayetteville, and I really do, it happens to be forever away from a majority of the state. Hell, it's faster for me to get to Fayettenam from Dallas than it is for someone who lives in West Mumphis or Helena. Good luck seeing a Hogs game if you are from Lake Village. In this instance you might as well be a Ole Miss, Miss St., or LSU fan, because they're easier to get to. Little Rock games offer people from all over the state the ability converge to Central Arkansas and see their Hogs play. One state, one team! But who cares about people who aren't from NWA??? As long as you've got your jumbotron you're happy, right???
- The Miracles on Markham. It is well documented that the Jones to Birmingham in the endzone (I miss hearing Paul Eells voice by the way) and Dick to Crawford in the endzone were two of the most exciting comeback wins in the history of Arkansas. These games are what you remember 30 years later. These games are what you tell your children about. These are games where it's more than acceptable to have a "sports cry." Can we really forget the stadium where these incredible moments happened. And these were just two instances in the last 7 years! It just simply doesn't make sense to abandon the stadium and the city that have given so much to the Hogs over the years. But hey, those are the past, and who needs those??? As long as you have your AQ Chicken to eat you're happy right???
- THE ATMOSPHERE. Fayetteville doesn't even begin to hold a candle to what is offered at WMS. 55,000+ people all gathering in one place to tailgate in an open area, and on a golf course no less. You know where else that happens? Pasadena, and that's it! Let's forget about the tailgating, because there is absolutely NO argument about this, and talk about the game time atmosphere. Time and time again opposing coaches and players have left WMS in awe of how loud 55,000 screaming Hog fans in that bowl can be. There are times when it's hard to hear yourself think. The fans in Fayetteville are nice, but they simply don't have what the Central Arkansas contingency has. In DWRRS I've been told on numerous occasions to sit down b/c I'm blocking the game. I've also been deemed "too drunk" at games on The Hill. You know where that doesn't happen? Little Rock. You know where approximately 70% of the crowd is drunker than I am? Little Rock. You know where people always have more fun? Little Rock. But hey, who needs 55,000 of the most passionate fans in the state? As long as you have your luxury boxes you'll be happy, right?

I know this all seems like a bit much, but it's what happens when you debate one of the most sensitive subjects in the entire Arkansas Razorback fanbase. The truth of the matter is, I could go on about this for days, and so could the other side. What it all boils down to is a nicer stadium vs. an extremely unique tradition. There are plenty of arguments to be made for both, but I know which side of the fence I fall, and I embrace it with every bone of my Razorback loving body.
Sorry it's been so long, and I'll try to be better. Predictions will be on the way tomorrow.
And as always... GO HOGS!!!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
I'm Not Happy Giving
The obvious answer is Christmas. Most everyone has childhood memories of looking forward to that one moment all year long where you wake up at the first hint of sunlight, realize the long wait is over, and make a mad dash for the Christmas tree and get to shreddin’ some wrapping paper. With age though, that feeling fades a little, and now days I don’t care to get out of bed on Christmas day until the crack of noon. I enjoy giving and receiving gifts, but I don’t enjoy eating top ramen for half the month because I blew my paycheck on iPods and diamond earrings. And something that will beat even the most joyful spirit out of me, Christmas Music. AHHHH!! Every time I go to get groceries, eat lunch, go to the gym, you name it there is Christmas music on. I can’t freakin stand it.
With that said, I now give you the Top 10 reasons I like Thanksgiving more than Christmas.
1. No one gets offended by not getting a Thanksgiving present. My presence alone is enough to make everyone happy. That’s the way it should be. Trying to figure out who you should or shouldn't give a gift to stressful, and there's not a bigger jackass feeling than receiving a package with a bow and having nothing to give back.
2. The food is better. Turkey and stuffing. Done deal. Sure the Christmas food is awesome too, but I don’t start drooling and day dreaming in mid October when someone mentions Christmas dinner. Tell me you've had a better sandwich than the one the day after Thanksgiving. Come on, I dare ya.
3. You always get a 4 day weekend. Christmas can pop up at weird times and getting Tuesday and Wednesday off work but having to go in on Monday and Thursday can ruin a trip and really mess up your holiday cheer. With Thanksgiving being on Thursday, you can get any traveling done Wednesday night and enjoy your PTO.
4. Thanksgiving is the perfect time for front yard football. You ain’t gonna work up that apetite searching for Black Friday specials my friend. Get out there and earn that post-meal nap with a good game of touch football (in laws are fair game for tackling).
5. **Spoiler Alert** Modern day Christmas is based on a make believe fat guy and flying deer. I’m not knocking Christmas as an entirety. I understand that we are celebrating the birth of little 8 pound 6 ounces…new born infant Jesus, don’t even know a word yet, but the sad truth is that that is secondary now days. It’s all about Tickle Me Elmo and Zhu Zhu Pets. Thank you Donald Draper. Thanksgiving is about not forgetting where you came from and knowing it could be a lot worse. Something we all need.
6. Pumpkin pie and pumpkin pie flavored things. Pumpkin pie was Gods gift to desserts. On more than one occasion I have sat down to eat an ENTIRE pumpkin pie. It's the only reason I don't go back for a third plate of food during dinner. There is a good chance I might try to make a Razorback themed pumpkin pie desert this year. I'll keep you posted.
7. It's OK to get wasted on Thanksgiving. You might be thinking "But I can get wasted on every Holiday. It's the only way I can make it through Midnight Mass". Well shame on you for having to get drunk before church, but the entire idea of Thanksgiving is getting everyone together to hang out and appreciate the good times. Sounds like a party to me! I got dibs on cousin Sal for beer pong.
8. Everyone celebrates Thanksgiving. You don't have to worry about wishing someone Happy Thanksgiving, where as you might wish one Merry Christmas only to find out they celebrate Hanukkah, Festivus, or Kwanzaa (although that should be hard to miss). I imagine Larry David could make a mess of this subject.
9. Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. Three hours of marching bands and giant balloons that would have scared the shit outta those Pilgrims in Plymouth. I'm a fan of a 10000 cubic foot Snoopy Balloon. Can you blame me? The Rockettes are never hard to wake up to either.
10. The final reason I like Thanksgiving more than Christmas is football. Lord, I am thankful for football. The rivalry game is upon us, and we’re going to win that damn boot or I’ll barf all the leftover turkey and liter of bloody mary I just inhaled. LSU is going down like corndogs at Coney Island. As a long time Cowboys fan as well, watching the Thanksgiving Day game is a family tradition.
I'll leave you with this final piece of history. Rotnie Clark went to town hitting 13 of 17 shots behind the arch. Here's his record breaking shot.