Friday, October 30, 2009

Saturday Night Spooktacle

I'm over it. I'm over it. I'm over it. Dammit, not matter how many times I say it I just can't make myself believe. This has been one of the toughest weeks of Razorback fandom for me in many many many years, and it just doesn't get any easier. We are to the point that no matter how many wins (I'll say four) that we get in the next five games, the season is still a tough pill to swallow. I wanted a win against Georgia, Bama, Florida, and certainly Ole Miss, and we went 0-4. Boom... Roasted.

There comes a time when you have to just move on, and hopefully this week the I'll be able to do that. Luckily, the Hogs get what will hopefully be their easiest opponent of the year in Eastern Michigan. I know very little about this team, but from all sources they should be a nice cupcake to give this team a little dose of confidence they so greatly need. And for once, we actually get a night time game. This means that I won't be forced to get up at the crack of dawn and start taking pulls out of a bottle of Stoli, rather I get to do it out of my own free will.

No matter what happens Friday, as long as the Hogs destroy the visitors from Detroit (pronounced De-twah if you want to be fancy), it's going to be a good day. At some point I'm probably going to decide that I actually do want to participate in Halloween festivities and I'll head to the store to pick up candy for trick-or-treaters. I might even dawn a costume and make my way to a bar to see how many Dallas girls are dressed as french maids. At the end of the night I'll realize that it's daylight savings time, and instead of enjoying an extra hour of sleep, I'll decide to enjoy an extra hour of drink. So, to pay my respects to the coming Day of the Dead, I present an extra spooky, sort of terrifying, mostly unoriginal, SEC Predictions from Beyond the Grave.
  • Arkansas v. Eastern Michigan - The scariest thing on the field for this one is going to be the re-introduction of the ugliest uniforms the Hogs have ever dawned in a game. I saw these pants in person at the Cotton Bowl where Mizzou EMBARRASSED the Razorbacks for 60 minutes, and from the second the team took the field I knew it was going to be a long day. If the game on Saturday is remotely close, please take my advice and burn these pants. On a side note, there is not a day that goes by that I don't miss seeing #5 running the ball from our backfield. We miss you DMAC!!!
  • Ole Miss v. Auburn - It looks like the ghost of 2008 has decided to raise from the grave, as the Auburn Tigers once again got off to a blistering pace, but have since done absolutely nothing. I'm not sure if it's team chemistry (there are rumors that some players aren't happy that Cody Burns got benched... you can read between the lines there), lack of preparation, or opponents figuring out Saint Malzahn's scheme, but they're hurting. This week would be a perfect example of a typical HDN letdown game, but if they stick with the gameplan of All Dexter All The Time they should take this one pretty handily
  • Kentucky v. Mississippi State - The thought of these two teams battling it out is scary enough to make me want to gouge my eyes out. I can honestly say that I do not care about any aspect of this game, other than I hope Mississippi State loses so that we might bump ahead of them in the SEC West
  • Florida v. Georgia - This guy... THIS GUY. There is something about this game that I absolutely love. Maybe it's because it's the Largest Outdoor Cocktail Party on Earth, or maybe because it's played in a neutral field, but I love it. I wish I could witness this in person (if for no other reason than to see UGA girls in their Halloween costumes), and hopefully one day I'll get the pleasure. Alas (and alack), I just don't see the Tebows having a letdown this week. Florida takes this one 2 touchdowns
  • Tennessee v. South Carolina - Both teams need this win! Tennessee needs it to help vindicate their hiring of Layne Kiffen, and the Old Ball Coach has to have it to keep his solid bowl hopes alive. I think this game goes ugly early, and the turnover numbers are going to be the story of the week out East. In the end, Old Ball Coach keeps his teams good bowl hopes alive by taking down the Vols
  • Tulane v. LSU - Blow out in Death Valley! If LSU wins out and takes the SEC Championship, they will play in Pasadena... I realize this is a big "if," but don't rule it out

We are about 27 hours away from kickoff in God's country, and I will not be in attendance to this affair. However, next week I'll be taking a nice three day weekend to head up to God's country to meet up with 72,000 of my closest friends. Hog fans, it's time to take care of business.

As always... GO HOGS!!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Rule #1: Love thy Razorbacks

This entry will serve as my eulogy to a recent favorite of Hog Nation, with myself as self-appointed President: "Houston Hating."

From this day forward, I vow that my dislike of Houston D. Nutt shall never grow larger than the love of my Razorbacks. I shall not concentrate on hating Houston more than loving the Razorbacks.

When did the Springdale Holiday Inn come to this revelation? During the final minutes of the game on Saturday, for which I was unfortunate enough to be present. As the clock wound down and it became painfully clear that the Hogs would not be in contention for the Cotton Bowl, I realized how much it hurt to lose this game. The pain came not from my disdain for the coach of the other team, but from my incredible and endless love for the Razorbacks. I will admit that the "Houston Nutt" chant from the rest of the high school quality Vaught-Hemingway Stadium added quite a bit of salt to the already gaping wound in my heart.

As my friends and I left Oxford as fast as possible, with our twisty little Hog tails between our legs, it dawned upon me that it didn't matter at all who the coach of the other team was. This game at this specific point in the season was so big for us that it could have been LSU or South Carolina that had just shoved the business end of an ice pick into my heart and it wouldn't have hurt any more or less had that coach been King Corndog or The Elderly Visor.

I will still continue to occasionally make fun of HDN for his Houston calls (you know what I mean) and I will still hate to hear him say how one of his players is a "winner" or how big said player's heart is, so all of the fun's not over. However, I will cease to focus on HDN and Ole Miss and will instead focus even more on my Arkansas Razorbacks.

I'm a Dallas Cowboys fan, but I don't feel too bad if they lose. I am an Arkansas Razorback and I feel absolutely terrible when we lose. I'm quite certain if you've found your way to this blog, that you feel the same way, especially at the crux of our football season last weekend.

In conclusion Razorback Nation, I emplore you to put the Hatorade down and just start sending that love vibe to our team. Also, I shall remain as the Springdale Holiday Inn in remembrance of the still makes me laugh.

Cancelling my unlmited texting plan as we speak,

Springdale Holiday Inn

Monday, October 26, 2009

Why I am the Bad Guy

Again, painful. I'm the bad guy because I acknowledge that life goes on after a loss...even to HDN. Again, I'm not ready for humor yet so here it is. Losses are never fun, but we now know that some losses are less fun than others. We talked about what could have been in Florida until Thursday, and were convinced we were a better team than Ole Miss. We were wrong. Oh well, Houston Nutt isn't our head coach, and we got that going for us. 
A win will be nice this weekend against some directional school that's not even worth talking about. It's homecoming, and it's the best time of the year in Fayetteville, AR. Those of you attending will hopefully be treated to some changing leaves and a nice fall chill in the air. 
DJ Williams?? Is he still on the team? 
Somebody get our receiving corps some Stick-em. (At least bring a couple toilet paper rolls to practice. Props to those who understand this). 
I just saw a preview for movie about Michael Oher's life. From what I understand, he's a great guy with truly great story. Drawbacks of the film: HDN is in it as...wait for it...the coach of the University of Arkansas; that's sure to incite nausea. That's officially my last HDN bashing until next season, I promise I'll find some new material.
On an unrelated note, I'm really pumped about this:


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