Tuesday, October 13, 2009

What NOT to Wear

There are two types of Southerners:

1. The Classy, Polite Type that everyone else in the country makes fun of, but is secretly very jealous of.

2. This Guy… AKA Red Neck King.

I love being from the South and would have fit right in with Scarlett O’Hara, but Southerner #2 makes me want to make a bee-line to NYC.

This being said, I am admitting, here and now, that my fellow Hog Fans are some of the worst offenders. I have been to many an Away Game as well as more Alabama games than I care to name (The (not so) Razorboy went to Alabama, so have been forced to cheer for the tide for the past 2 years) . I was appalled while in Tuscaloosa for the game last month to see the majority of Razorback fans decided to dress like Southerner #2.

It literally made my eyes hurt.

So for the benefit of all you Hog Faithful making the trip to Florida (which is not a particularly fashion forward campus; they like jorts a lot) or more importantly Ole Miss in 2 weeks, I am here to help.

There is absolutely no excuse to wear the following:

  1. Hog Hat/Hog Nose- Hilarious gag gift that could be pulled out for Halloween perhaps, but left at home on game day. I realize there actually is a game on HALLOWEEN; I will excuse these for 1 day.

  2. Face Paint- Seriously? I am all for team spirit, but do you really think that face paint is going to make the team play better? Short answer: NO.

  3. Body Paint- See # 2. Yes, you may make it on TV, but we are all making fun of you.

  4. Shirt without Sleeves- This rule applies to males exclusively. Please, no woman wants to see your arms. I promise. NO WOMAN.

Acceptable Game Day Attire:


-Red and White Polos or Button Downs
-Jeans, Khakis, or Seersucker (before Labor Day Only)
-If you have a desperate situation: A Razorback T-shirt. I am not sure what the desperate situation would be… Everything is at the cleaners???

Females: See HOT HOGS to your right...

-Dresses or Skirts whenever possible (I realize sometimes it is simply too cold)
-When cold, a nice dress coat
-Jeans with a cute top, heels, or boots.
-I cannot condone any desperate situations for us…
*** Make sure that some part of your outfit is, indeed, red.

Please Hog Fans, take the above into consideration when packing for upcoming away games. Let’s put Arkansans back in the Southerner #1 category.

Yours- Razorbelle

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